Former Students Register Here

William de Ferrers Community

One of the things that can be taken as a given in life is that we all always remember our school days.  We are forever part of our school community.  Our memories are of course a mixture of the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, and the successful and perhaps the less successful in certain parts of our school career!  The names of our teachers stay with us, as do the names of our school friends.

Here at the William de Ferrers we are keen to develop an Alumni Community to keep in touch with as many former students as possible.  Whether you are at university, doing an apprenticeship or have been in a variety of jobs for the last twenty years we would love you to join our alumni network.

We firmly believe that our alumni can help us to improve the educational experiences of our current students in a wide variety of ways.  We will be sharing information about current school events with any of our former students who wish to join, as well as starting an active alumni Community to support the current work of the school.

How to get involved

We are working with Future First, a national education charity, who are helping us to keep in touch with our school leavers and reconnect with our former students.

The link to sign up (please feel free to share this link) is:

Please be assured there is no obligation to do anything after you have signed up, but we will send you a few newsletters a year, invitations to school events and inform you about opportunities to keep updated on school news and get involved in school life.

Thank you again and we look forward to welcoming you back to the William de Ferrers School.

If you would like any more information please contact Alison Crickmore, Assistant Headteacher at