Dress Code
We believe that many people judge a school by the appearance of its students. In their appearance as well as in their general behaviour, sixth form students have a particular responsibility in that they help set the standard for the whole school. The sixth form dress code aims to promote smartness and confidence. The purpose of the dress code is to present a positive image and contribute towards an environment conducive to learning.
The ‘Dress Smart Work Smart’ dress code is as follows:
- Trousers should be smart. Chinos are acceptable but jeans, jeggings, leggings, jogging bottoms and combat trousers are not.
- Shirts should have collars. (Ties optional)
- Tops/blouses and roll neck tops should cover the shoulders and midriff.
- Skirts and dresses should be smart and tailored and of a professional length closer to the knee than hip.
- Shoes and boots should be black or brown.
- Students are not restricted to set colours but must remain smart at all times.
- ID Badges must be worn at all times.
The following should not be worn:
- No T-shirts or polo shirts
- No denim of any colour
- No leather
- No crop tops, off the shoulder, vest tops/dresses with string straps
- No playsuits
- No sweatshirts, casual jumpers, hoodies
- No trainers or canvas shoes (in the style of Converse or Vans) of any colour, or Ugg style boots, flip flops, sliders or stilettos
- No fishnet tights
- Only discreet piercing is acceptable
- Logos, words and images that would be considered inappropriate or offensive are not acceptable
Please note this is not an exhaustive list. The school reserves the right to decide what is considered appropriate.
Additional information about the dress code:
- Tattoos should not be visible (It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to have a tattoo, even with parental consent).
- Hairstyles and colour should be appropriate for a smart, working environment. Students must not dye their hair an unnatural colour. This includes but is not limited to pink, red, blue, green and/or purple. If in doubt, students are to consult a member of the sixth form team prior to making any changes to their hair colour.
- William de Ferrers sixth form reserves the right to determine whether or not any item of clothing is acceptable. If a student intends to buy an item of clothing with the intention of wearing it at school and it is not mentioned above, they must confirm with a sixth form member of staff that it is acceptable BEFORE wearing it.
- If students contravene any aspect of the dress code they will be given one warning. If at any point in the academic year they contravene the dress code again they will be sent home to change.
- If students are dressed indecently, they will be sent home to change immediately. Examples of indecent dress include, but are not limited to, items of clothing that expose the midriff/shoulders or shirts that display offensive slogans.
- If students are unable to return home to change, they will be placed in isolation for the rest of the day.
- If students are due to take part in sporting activity during the school day, they must conform to the dress code and change at the beginning and end of the lesson.
- If students and their families are unable to afford items to wear to school, they may wish to consider applying for the sixth form bursary to support them with these costs. The relevant forms can be obtained from the sixth form office.