Sixth Form Standards and Expectations
We have very high expectations of our students all of which have the aim of maintaining standards and ensuring that each and every student in our care achieves highly and leaves school well educated and qualified.
There will be a zero-tolerance approach to dress code infringements, and students coming to school dressed inappropriately will be sent home to change regardless of where they may live and will be recorded as an unauthorised absence should they not return to school. A copy of the dress code regulations is available in this section of the website, but we wish to highlight some key points. All students must wear leather-style shoes or boots; no canvas shoes, training shoes, pool/beach shoes, Dr Marten boots or Ugg boots are allowed. It should also be noted that girls are not allowed to come to school wearing leggings or ‘jeggings’. Trousers should be smart.
A requirement to be a student in William de Ferrers Sixth Form is that you must attend school, other than when you are unwell. We require all students to attend registration each day and attend all classes. It is also compulsory for students to attend assemblies. Under no circumstances may students miss class without permission. In line with Department for Education recommendations, we will be intervening with students whose attendance falls below 94%—to both lessons and registration. Students who are marked absent during Period 1, without notifying the school will have a text message sent to their primary contact. In line with Government guidelines we do not authorise holiday during term time other than in exceptional circumstances, as agreed by the school.
If you are feeling unwell and are unable to make it into school please contact Mrs Lucas on 01245 326350 or blucas@wdf.school
We also wish to point out that no student has the right to drop a subject without the agreement and authorisation of our Director of Sixth Form and one of the Senior Leadership Team. Any student doing so will be deemed to be truanting from school. Parents should be clear that no arrangements will be made for a student to drop a subject without first consulting them and informing them of the final decision in writing.
When students return to Sixth Form, it is through choice rather than compulsion. We want every student in the school to be successful, and this means that they should be working towards their attainment targets and achieving in line with expectations. Not everyone can achieve the highest academic standards, but all students can give of their best and do what is asked of them. In this respect, a condition of remaining in the Sixth Form is that students complete all assignments, homework, assessments and tasks on time and to the best of their ability.