Welcome to the William de Ferrers Sixth Form
The Sixth Form at William de Ferrers School consists of over 140 students who have joined us from our own Year 11 and other local schools. We offer a range of A-Level and Vocational courses which enable students to choose an academic pathway which is appropriate for them.
Students in the Sixth Form are treated as young adults and enjoy certain privileges in comparison to the rest of the school, however they are still monitored and mentored by an experienced Sixth Form pastoral team as well as Form Tutors. From the beginning of their application students are given individual information, advice and guidance to help them choose the courses that enable them to achieve their long term aspirations and maximise their chances of success. Throughout their time in the Sixth Form, we track student progress closely and work with parents to ensure that students are on course to achieve their potential.
Students that attend the Sixth Form at William de Ferrers School can expect high quality advice related to choosing a university as well as support at every step of their UCAS application, which includes a launch evening in April of each year to provide parents with information about how the process works.
As a school we also organise a highly successful course entitled Insight into Management, which provides students with a range of exciting business and careers related activities.
As a result of the information, advice and guidance provided by the school, our students move onto a wide range of other destinations after their time in the Sixth Form as well as university.
Whilst there is a clear focus on academic achievement in the Sixth Form, students are also provided with a wide range of opportunities to develop themselves outside the classroom. Examples of the opportunities available include working to produce the school yearbook, becoming a peer supporter for younger students who may be unhappy, taking advantage of the excellent sports facilities at the school and becoming a member of the social committee who organise whole school events.
It is important to be realistic when choosing a course for Sixth Form. The Sixth Form Course Guide will provide you with valuable detailed information to help you make your choice. Please read these carefully and discuss your Sixth Form options with your parents, Form Tutor, Careers Advisor or myself.
The best asset of the Sixth Form at William de Ferrers School is our students, who are welcoming and proud of their school. Meet them for yourself at our annual October open evening or please contact the school if you would like to be taken on a tour.
Alison Farrar
Assistant Headteacher & Director of Sixth Form
Director of Studies Upper School