School Meals
As a school we aim to help our students understand the importance of a good diet, regular exercise and healthy life choices.
The school catering service offers a wide menu of hot meals, salads, sandwiches and fresh fruit.
School meals are paid for via our cashless catering system using individual 'swipe' cards for access. Cards are linked to an individual student or staff account that can be topped up with cash in school or online by credit/debit card. This system reduces the need for students to carry money to school each day and speeds up the lunch queues.
Our catering is provided by our dedicated in-house team.
We offer a breakfast service before school and also provide food at break and lunch times. Please click here to see an example menu.
Students in the sixth form can use the facilities located in S block at any time during the day.
The school has in place a system for dealing with school meals money and overdrawn catering accounts. Please follow this link to the school statement.
For any new year 7 students in receipt of free school meals in primary school who are transferring to the William de Ferrers School please ensure you contact Essex County Council to ensure that your entitlement is transferred. Please follow this link to thier website.