Sixth Form Life
Life in the Sixth Form is about hard work but it is also rewarding. The more you put into it, the more you will benefit.
There is a comfortable social area and cafeteria where students are able to relax and have something to eat and drink in an informal atmosphere. Upstairs has a well-equipped quiet study area exclusively for the use of Sixth Form students. It is equipped with computers and printing facilities as well as other information relevant to Sixth Form students. The school also has an excellent library which has an extensive area for supporting studies in the Sixth Form. Sixth Form students are also able to use the Careers Centre where they can get advice on further courses, university information as well as apprenticeships and careers. This area also has IT facilities for Sixth Form students.
In Year 12 you will be expected to spend much of your non-lesson time in private study in the appropriate areas of the school. It is vital that you acquire good study habits, because ‘A’ Level success depends to a large extent on self-discipline and the ability to work independently.
You may leave the site to buy lunch etc. but must sign out at the Sixth Form Reception Desk. All students in the Sixth Form are issued with identification lanyards and are expected to wear these at all times.
Sixth Form Positions of Responsibility
All students in Year 12 and 13 are eligible to become prefects, which involves supporting Year 7 tutor groups or supporting teachers in Key Stage 3 lessons. We are proud of our students and believe that taking these high profile positions with younger students makes them great role models.
Each Tutor Group elects a representative to form a Sixth Form Committee which is responsible for organising social and charitable events, culminating in the Sixth Form Ball at the end of Year 13.
As a member of the Sixth Form you will be asked to help at Lower School Parents' Evenings, charitable fund-raising events and on Sports and Sponsor Days.
Part-Time Employment
Whilst we understand that some part-time work is beneficial, giving students confidence and some financial independence, excessive hours spent in paid employment will have a detrimental effect on your Sixth Form studies. We recommend that you limit your working time to a maximum of 12 hours per week.
Sixth Form Summer Ball
This year the Year 13 students celebrated the end of their exams and time in the Sixth Form with a Summer Ball at Pontlands Park on Friday 29th June. Well done to the Head Students, as well as the Sixth Form Committee, for organising such a great evening.