Members and Information

For a list of the current Local Governing Body Trustees follow this link.  

The William de Ferrers School does not currently have any Associate Members. 

The Local Governing Body Committee Structure and Members

The Local Governing Body has two main committees who carry out a range of work:

Curriculum and Finance Committee: Chair - Dr N Campbell

Pupils, Personnel, Wellbeing and Inclusion Committee: Chair - Mrs B Stannard

Please follow this link to see governor committee attendance for the last academic year - 2023/2024

Key Documents

For details of the Governors report and annual financial statements, funding agreement and articles of association please follow this link to the information section of the website.

Please follow this link to the Schools Financial Benchmarking Service website and search the school name for further financial details. 

Please follow this link to see a summary of Governor Declared Interests for 2024/2025.